Três Moscas, 2012-2024

24 april to 1 july 2024
MAAT - Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia
Três Moscas, 2012-2024

Três Moscas [Three Flies] is a work conceived by four artists who have long shared a personal and creative connection: André Maranha (1966), Francisco Tropa (1968), Jorge Queiroz (1966), and Pedro Morais (1944–2018).

The project includes a collective installation that features sculptures, paintings, engines, objects, mirrors, light, water, and elements of performance. It is a construction strongly inspired by Impressions of Africa, a novel published in 1910 by French writer Raymond Roussel (1877–1933) which had a remarkable influence on art history, particularly on Marcel Duchamp and his seminal work The Large Glass (1915).

In addition to the installation, the project includes the miniature stage of Bonecos de Santo Aleixo, a relic of a form of popular puppetry in the Alentejo region of Portugal. These figures with identical faces and wide-open eyes that are rudimentarily animated by a rod fixed to their heads embody the figures necessary for the representation of biblically inspired texts passed down through oral tradition, where comic improvisations and burlesque asides are used to establish a direct and duplicate relationship with the audience, based on laughter and catharsis.

Throughout the exhibition, actors from Centro Dramático de Évora (CENDREV) will perform the Auto da Criação do Mundo [Story of the creation of the world] in five shows.

Wednesday to Monday, 10 am to 7 pm


Curator: Sérgio Mah


Avenida de Brasília, Central Tejo 210 028 190

De quarta a segunda, das 10h às 19h