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Sweat, Sweat, Sweat

(A set of small hot flushes)

24 november to 26 november 2023
fri: 7 pm; sat: 5 pm; sun: 4 pm
São Luiz Teatro Municipal
Sweat, Sweat, Sweat

If, twenty years ago, Sónia Baptista’s first series of short plays was the end of youth, this second series of short plays is the end of adulthood. If the first series of short plays celebrated the blossoming summer of desire and possibilities, this one marks the end of summer, the smell of the coming autumn, of changes that are foreseen, in body and spirit, of inhabiting a body that transforms and a state that settles, that is accepted, that is welcomed. In Chinese philosophy, a fifth season is observed, the late summer, an expectant period of preparation for a new, serene and comforting state. In the chronology of Sónia Baptista’s life, this is where she feels, sees herself, living a late summer, preparing for the other half of life, physically, emotionally, artistically. These little performance poems are perhaps, at heart, summer postcards.

Subtitles in Portuguese (CC) and English


Creation and Interpretation - Sónia Baptista

12 €
