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Frei Luís de Sousa

Miguel Loureiro

1 march to 7 april 2019
wed: 19h; thu: 21h; fri: 21h; sat: 19h; sun: 16h
Teatro Nacional D. Maria II
Frei Luís de Sousa

Seven years after the Battle of Alcácer-Quibir (Ksar-el-Kebir), Madalena de Vilhena assumes that her husband D. João de Portugal is dead and marries the brave and patriotic knight Manuel de Sousa Coutinho. From this seemingly happy marriage, Maria is born. However, Madalene’s superstition and omens haunt the family’s harmony. All the more so when D. João de Portugal returns to the kingdom, now under Spanish domination, in the guise of Romeiro.

Written by Almeida Garrett in 1843, the full version of this Romantic drama was premiered at Teatro Nacional D. Maria II in 1850 at now returns to the Garrett Hall under Miguel Loureiro’s direction. According to the director, this is “one of the theatrical monuments of Romanticism, and even of all Portuguese theater”; it is still an inescapable landmark for the “Portugueseman of theater” in the development of “his scenographic poetics.” And, Loureiro adds, “re-read as a drama or staged as a tragedy, Frei Luís de Sousa continues to be a theater gauge that has always been ours, which has always served us, not only in its literary correspondence but, first and foremost, in our imagination.” FB

Session with audio description and Portuguese Sign Language: March 31
Conversation with the artists after the show: March 31


Text: Almeida Garrett; Stage Director: Miguel Loureiro; Actors: Álvaro Correia, Ângelo Torres, Carolina Amaral, Gustavo Salvador Rebelo, João Grosso, Maria Duarte, Rita Rocha, Sílvio Vieira, and Tónan Quito.

9 € a 16 € - preço normal (ver descontos)
