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Antígona na Amazónia

Milo Rau/ NTGent

11 november to 12 november 2023
sat: 9 pm; sun: 5 pm
Antígona na Amazónia

For Antígona na Amazónia, Milo Rau and his team travelled to the Brazilian state of Pará, where forests burn and nature is ruthlessly ravaged for material gain. In collaboration with the MST (Landless Workers’ Movement), one of the largest in the world, they bring us an allegory about political struggle and resistance.

In English, Toucan, Dutch and Portuguese with subtitles in Portuguese and English.


Conception and direction - Milo Rau
Text - Milo Rau & ensemble
Cast - Pablo Casella, Frederico Araujo, Sara De Bosschere, Arne De Tremerie
On screen - Kay Sara, Gracinha Donato, Célia Maracajá, Choir of militants of Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra (MST), and as Tirésias, Ailton Krenak
Production - NTGent

16 €



auditório, museu