Este evento já ocorreu.

‘Impossível’ live

Luís de Matos

12 dezembro 2019 a 5 janeiro 2020
qui: 21h30; sex: 21h30; sáb: 21h30; dom: 17h
Teatro Tivoli BBVA
‘Impossível’ live

After a six-month international tour covering 19 cities in 14 countries, Luis de Matos comes back to Portugal with some of his latest magic tricks. Side by side with Joana Almeida and breakdance world champions Momentum Crew, Luis de Matos brings a new and extraordinary group of guests from all over the world: Germany, Australia, South Korea and England.

On December 25th and January 1st shows will be held at 6 pm.

12,50 a 24 €
