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A Journey

20 january to 18 march 2023
Galeria Underdogs

In the A Journey exhibition the duo of artists Halfstudio takes over the main space of Underdogs Gallery, transforming it into a path that re ects the di erent stages of a journey. rough a map outlined in vinyl on the oor, they indicate a trajectory that illustrates the phases we go through in order to reach the actualization of an idea, a dream or a transformation, taking on both a personal and universal dimension.

This path is punctuated by unique pieces that mirror the visual and creative language that is characteristic of this collective, using volumetric letters and dynamic layouts with vibrant colours and impactful messages that reveal the nature and tone of the di erent phases of the journey. In this way, they invite visitors to experience, live and relive feelings, emotions and states of mind, immersing them into a voyage that is as individual as it is collective; that provokes both introspection and communion.

Tuesday to Saturday, 2 pm to 7 pm
