Noite Stravinski (Stravinski Night)
Companhia Nacional de Bailado

On World Dance Day, April 29th, Companhia Nacional de Bailado (CNB) premieres Noite Stravinski, a program dedicated to the music of composer Igor Stravinski (1882-1971), one of the greatest names in 20th century music. The beginning of his career is closely linked to Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, a company for which he composed some of his best-known dance pieces, such as The Rite of Spring or The Wedding.
Through choreographies by Vaslav Nijinski, The Rite of Spring, and Mauro Bigonzetti, The Wedding and Intermezzo, CNB runs through major works that exemplify the composer’s genius.
Ficha técnica:
Vaslav Nijinski, Mauro Bigonzetti - choreographies
CNB dancers - interpretation
15€ to 30 €